“It’s learning the form, learning the basics. It’s almost like once you learn the basics and can do the basics really well and everyone see that you know your basics, then you can improvise. Then you can be creative, then you can find yourself.”

Arthur is the Beverage Manager for Momofuku Ko in New York City. His ability to weave art into the confines of fine dining, all while finding his true self in the process, is an inspiration. In this episode, we discuss what happens when the power of art and 2-star Michelin service collide, how restaurant work has been a way for him to find an extrovert mindset, and why Thousand Island dressing needs your respect.


Watch the video version here.

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Black and white image of man wearing a dark suit, floral shirt, and plaid tie. A glass of red wine is on the table in front of him. The background is dark and a text overlay reads "Arthur Hon Episode 11."

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