Our Industry is a Community.

The strength of Washington’s wine research program is stakeholder involvement. Grape growers and wineries can help drive and be part of the research agenda by participating in four key ways: 1) our research survey, which is held annually to garner industry input on research priorities; 2) research review, an annual “shark tank” research event where new proposals and research reports are presented; 3) Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology (WAVE), which is our industry’s signature research event where putting-edge research findings are shared; and 4) Wine Research Advisory Committee (WRAC), which is a subcommittee of growers and winemakers serving the industry’s scientific review arm. See more info about each below.


2025 WA Wine Research Priorities Survey

We are asking wine grape growers and wineries to fill out the 2025Research Survey to help identify top wine research priorities. Our V&E research program is entirely driven by the industry. This survey collects feedback to guide the annual reevaluation of priorities by WRAC (see below). The priority list, used by scientists when they develop research proposals and projects, helps ensures that the program addresses important needs specific to Washington’s wine industry.

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Research Opportunities

The strength of Washington’s wine research program is stakeholder involvement. Grape growers and wineries help drive our research agenda. Below, find a few ways to partake in our Research Program.

Research Survey

Viticulture and enology research in Washington State is driven by research priorities set annually by stakeholders— growers and winemakers — and the Washington Research Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of Washington Wine. An annual research survey is conducted each year by Washington Wine to collect industry feedback on top wine research priorities. Scientists use the research priority list when developing research proposals and projects, which ensures that the program addresses important needs specific to Washington’s wine industry. The survey is open all year, with data collated each April for annual review by the Wine Research Advisory Committee. Take the 2025 survey here. We look forward to learning research topics important to you!

Research Review

Get plugged into viticulture and enology research by attending the Research Review and giving your input on research proposals seeking grant funding! The Research Review, open to members of Washington’s wine industry, is a key component of Washington’s industry-driven research program. The annual event, hosted by Washington Wine, is a forum for scientists to share results of ongoing research projects and pitch new proposals to the Wine Research Advisory Committee, a subcommittee of Washington Wine. The committee serves as the scientific review arm for the state wine industry and makes research grant funding recommendations to Washington Wine’s Board of Directors for approval. Industry members attending will be asked for input on the research proposals seeking grant funding through wine research programs in Washington.

The 2025 Research Review is February 26-27, 2025 at the Washington State University’s Irrigated Agriculture and Research Center in Prosser.

See the agenda for the Research Review here.

Washington wine grape growers and wineries are invited to attend the free event.


Growers and wineries keep up to date on cutting-edge research through WAVE research seminars and webinars hosted by Washington Wine and Washington State University. WAVE stands for Washington Advancements in Viticulture and Enology. WAVEx is a condensed format of the signature research event. WAVE helps build relationships between industry and the scientific community and foster a research culture within the Washington wine industry. Learn more about WAVE here.

Wine Research Advisory Committee

The Wine Research Advisory Committee (WRAC) serves as the industry’s scientific research arm and makes research funding recommendations to Washington Wine’s Board of Directors. Volunteers from Washington’s wine industry are appointed by Washington Wine Board of Directors to WRAC, which is a subcommittee of Washington Wine. Interested in becoming a future WRAC member? You can see our past meeting minutes on our History & Funding page here.

Close-up of a hand stained purple resting at a hip pocket on khaki pants under a blue fleece jacket. Green leaves are out of focus in the background.
Patrick Bennett Photography