
2022 Washington Wine Grape Production Report

Cabernet Sauvignon was the top producing variety grown in the state at 67,015 tons or 28% of the total. Chardonnay was ranked second, at 39,450 tons or 16% of the total. Both varieties showed significant increase from prior year, with an increase of 32% for Cabernet Sauvignon and 54% increase…

Time for More Grapevine Testing

Published in Good Fruit GrowerBy Ross Courtney May 19, 2020 Washington State University virologist Naidu Rayapati has been screening vineyard samples for viruses in his laboratory for about 15 years. He wants growers to keep those samples coming. As grapevine red blotch and grapevine leafroll become more prevalent, as…

Smoke Analysis Laboratories

The following labs have previously indicated their interest and availability for smoke analysis of grapes and/or wine samples. Please note that if they are located out of the US, contact them prior to determine if there are any import or customs issues based on your vineyard location. Most labs will…


Press Release Sustainable WA Partners with Salmon-Safe The Washington wine industry announced an exciting partnership between the state’s sustainability certification for winegrapes – Sustainable WA – and Salmon-Safe, a leading U.S. regional eco-label focused on watershed protection. Download Press Release Latest Press Releases…

Washington State Wine Commission Research Grant Program: Project Proposal Template

All applications will be submitted and uploaded through the Washington Wine Research Grant Portal. You will need to create a profile before submitting. All new proposals (demonstration, one-year projects and 3-4 year projects) must go through a preproposal process – deadline is November 5, 2024. The pre-proposal application is available through…

Smartphone-Based Crop-Load Estimation Tool

Final Report: June 30, 2021Manoj Karkee, Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems, Washington State University Project Summary: Crop yield estimation is an important managerial tool for vineyard manager (Read and Gamet, 2007) and plays a crucial role in planning pre/post-harvest operations to achieve desired crop-load and to improve efficiency…

WRAC Meeting Minutes • June 29, 2018

Attending: Leah Adint, Dick Boushey, Brian Carter, Kevin Corliss, Rick Hamman, Julia Kock, Kay Simon, Linn Scott and Wade WolfeAbsent: Russ Smithyman, Bruce Watson and Scott WilliamsGuests and Staff: Melissa Hansen (WSWC), Thomas Henick-Kling (WSU), Scot Hulbert (WSU-ARC) Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 11:10 a.m.
Press Release

Taste Washington Returns in March 2024

SEATTLE (August 30, 2023) – Taste Washington will return to Seattle in March 2024. The nation’s largest single-region wine & food festival made a triumphant return this year after a 3-year hiatus, bringing more than 14,000 attendees to eight signature events hosted throughout the city. The 2023 festival kicked off in…
Press Release

Washington State Wine Grape Harvest Grows 14% in 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEATTLE (March 14, 2019)—Washington State’s wine grape harvest grew by 14 percent in 2018, for a grand total of 261,000 tons crushed. This was the second largest harvest in Washington’s history, behind the record-breaking total of 270,000 tons in 2016. Washington State Wine’s annual Grape Production Report,…