“Wine chooses you. You don’t choose the wine world. It kinda takes you in and then that’s it.”

For this episode, we’re joined by Sylvester Inda, Assistant Wine Director at the legendary Keen’s Steakhouse. Sylvester has been running to keep up in NYC’s fast-paced restaurant scene, but he also runs to keep his mind straight after serving 600+ guests a night. Sylvester talks about his experience working his way up in the wine world, what he drinks with hot dogs and how Dru Hill made the best 90s jam.


Watch the video version here.

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Black and white image of a man wearing a backwards ball cap and t-shirt looks to the left of the camera, with a glass of white wine and bottle on a table in front of him. He is in front of a dark background with text overlay reading "Sylvester Inda Episode 2."

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