Who inspires you in the wine world?

On April 6, 2022, Forbes published an in-depth article about Breaking Ground, highlighting the program, how it began, and what we hope it will become. You can read the article here, which was written by Jillian Dara, but because you can only fit so few people in one article (that article featured two of our ambassadors), we wanted to share how our other farmer ambassadors responded to the questions Jillian asked our farmers. In this five-part series, you’ll find the questions that Jillian asked our farmers, and you’ll get to hear from the farmers who responded to them. You’ll also see them in both English and Spanish. We hope you’ll enjoy getting to see some of the making of Breaking Ground, and that afterward, you’ll join us in raising a glass to those who grow our grapes.

USA, Washington, Walla Walla. Harvest 2021

Who inspires you in the wine world?

Jaime Gonzalez: My grandfather always praised me for continuing to work the vineyards even if it was a long distance.

My grandfather always praised me for continuing to work the vineyards even if it was a long distance.
Jaime González

Miriah Falce: Being new in the industry and dealing with the world shutdown of Covid-19, I haven’t been able to explore and experience quite as much as I’d like… but I’m ready to get back out there and start checking off boxes! I will say the movers and shakers out there are the ones that inspire me- those that are trying innovative techniques and breaking the typical mold as they plant new vineyards or create stylistically different wines. I seek individuality and forward thinking. I’m also inspired by those who are working towards sustainability and taking care of our planet, those that work with mother-nature to create with what we’re given. Part of my passion and dream is to honor my history and specialize in unique Italian varietals, and through those discoveries I have become inspired by the young women in Italy breaking barriers and taking over family/male vineyards and wineries. Again, movers and shakers, specifically in the land I love, reviving their vines and varietals in their own ways.

Bernadette Gagnier: Dr. Tom Collins has been my biggest supporter since I was an undergraduate student in the Viticulture and Enology program. He is now on my graduate research advising committee and his encouragement is one of the reasons I stayed in school and research for a PhD. He is the “smoke taint” guy in the wine world and is doing important work especially with the fires that happen each year, if not in the U.S. then other parts of the world. Talk about seeing the potential in a rock and polishing it till it shines. He has made a difference in so many students’ lives and believes in us in ways I have never seen from another professor.

I am not alone in this sentiment there are multiple students who lives he has impacted in such a positive way. His wife Kirsten works in the logistics side of the wine world, and she is just as much a life cheerleader as her husband is. She can talk you through a dilemma or situation with the wisdom that only comes from remarkable life experiences in a way that picks you up and sets you back on your feet. These two individuals are the driving inspiration for my journey in the wine world and I could not be more grateful for their support and guidance. Sadie Drury is the vineyard manager I have wanted to be ever since I came across her Instagram page years ago. Even working towards a PhD my long-term wine industry goal is to be a vineyard manager and hopefully one like her. I have heard from winemakers, crew members, multiple viticulturists, and academics how well she does her job, professionally and in personal aspects of things. She treats those around her with respect and she has earned the respect of those in the industry. She grows grapes extremely well but also cares about her employees and their well-being. She is the one who inspired this program with her “Farmer Fridays” and continues to inspire me.

Julie Tarara is another person who constantly inspires me. She has her PhD and worked in research before returning to the industry. She is someone I can relate to who spent time behind the scenes to come up with new ideas and techniques for growers and now applies them in vineyards throughout the state. I could really go on and on about the people who inspire me in the wine world, but I want to just list a few more who have helped and encouraged me. Eduardo Enriquez (Vineyard Manager Corliss Estates), Mike Lockhart (Corliss Estates), Brittany Komm (Precept Wine), Mellissa Whitaker (Kiona Vineyards and Winery), Margaret McCoy (True Organics), Michelle Moyer (WSU), Cassidi Harris (Union Wine Co.) and Francisco and Josephina Mejia (Kiona Vineyards and Winery).

Sadie Drury: My vineyard workers. So many of them have overcome true adversity and I’m thankful they share their stories with me.

Rosanna Lugo: The owners, Sadie and most importantly, the crews! My respects for the amount of skills and knowledge they have to decide how far to prune, thin, etc.

Dr. Tom Collins has made a difference in so many students’ lives and believes in us in ways I have never seen from another professor.
Bernadette Gagnier

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